Logbook entry


23 Apr 2019Mearmortal
Stayed a couple of days at WP11, and was able to see several CMDR's arrive at the designated co-ordinates, it made a nice change.

Got involved in the last mass jump for the latecomers, I say mass but it turned out to be 12 as 2 of the possible 14 couldn't make the jump for one reason or another.
Took some nice shots of different CMDR's ships at the Meeting point in orbit of Object 4 in system, with the backdrop of the planet the system and the ships were extremely good looking from a distance and the colours really stood out.
The next stage is 13,500lys, to Beagle Point and again that's a long way to the end point.

Looking forward to greeting the long term pilots out there and then making the trip back. I have some ideas of where I want to go, but no definite routes planned as yet.

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︎1 Shiny!
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