Logbook entry

LRH After WP5

13 Jul 2019Mearmortal
So I've been out here on my 8th week exploring this area of space, and although it's been well travelled already, it's not really well travelled at all. 90% of the systems I've been visiting have been first discovered/ and first mapped, so looking pretty at around 690Mil worth of scans to hand in when I get back to civilisation.

We've had six CMDR's leave over the last few weeks not willing to spend so much time on just one expedition. We are however some 55 strong since my last update which is a big improvement on that figure compared to a few weeks ago.

So as part of squadron management for the LRH, I've completed all bookmarks for the whole of Route 1 waypoints and points of interest. Due to the fact that Route 2 and Route 3 use similar points after WP8, I'm not adding routes 2 and 3 to the bookmark list. Our squadron is only 12 deep at this time, but that's not surprising based on what you can actually do in squadrons.

I've been trying to put down about 5Klys every week but the last two have been quite difficult with RL issues. I'm already on 4.5K this week so it should not be an issue today and tomorrow.

Let see what happens in the next few weeks.
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