Logbook entry

WP7 to WP13

04 Sep 2019Mearmortal
WP7 was great, a meet up with like minded pilots, ship jumping and racing, all good stuff. Now the next portion of the journey, WP7 to WP8, 17K's worth of travelling and exploration. Been interesting so far, but after some 5K have opted to move to visit WP13 first. It's a big stretch of around 20K to get there and about another 4K to head back in the direction of WP8. The last 8K has been interesting some 100Mil of new discoveries and literally no contact and no undiscovered systems. This game has never ceased to be interesting and the fact that everything is new, even for me, says just how big this is. I can safely say, I can blaze my own trail even after nearly 5 years.
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