Logbook entry

The Second battle for Purusha

29 Jul 2020RedivivusCrowd
Commodre Kamarov awoke in a small cell, blinking away the head injury that had knocked him unconscious while his escape pod had jetted away from the shattered wreckage of what had once been a proud warship of the Wanderers of Witchspace. Leaning back against the wall of his cell, Kamarov noted the hum of the ship's microgravity generator and the familiar design of the cell, from his time in the Navy, one of many dissatisfied deserters who had fled to the edge of the bubble to escape retribution.

Still starside based on the microgravity, based on the cell I'm either on board a Farragut or a Corvette. Kamarov noted calmly, most pilots would be nervous and panicked in such a predicament but only the best pilots were permitted access to the coveted and experimental technology offered to the Special Operations detachment of the battlegroup sent to secure Purusha.

"Purusha." Kamarov thought bitterly to himself. Didn't we suffer enough losses the first time we tangled with the feds in this system? Kamarov recalled the first battle of Purusha vividly. The exact same as what happened before happened again, our intel on the local feds is obviously bullshit, the briefs didn't mention anything about fed irregulars with gear that puts ours to shame being active in Purusha. Kamarov sighed and looked up at the ceiling, recalling the battle.

Kamarov's wing had been called in as support after the irregular ships had arrived in the conflict zone and started making short work of the WoW navy ships. Upon recalling the rest of his wing Kamarov gritted his teeth, remembering what had happened. Upon arriving Kamarov had ordered his wing to immediately open fire on the greatest threat, a Federal Corvette that was in the process of destroying a warzone correspondent attached to the battlegroup, which was turning to engage his wing.

Why did they designate a reporter a priority target of all things? Were they that eager to prevent footage of the battle from reaching our command? Kamarov could only assume it had something to do with the irregulars that had massacred their forces.

And my friends. Kamarov thought bitterly to himself, Beta and Gamma had been destroyed by the Corvette after their shields were knocked out by some strange railgun weapon he had never seen before. Omega had attempted to provide cover fire for Kamarov as he attempted to retreat to Supercruise and send word for reinforcements or a general retreat. The Corvette had simply bulldozed Omega aside, sending his shattered hulk tumbling into the wreck of a disabled Federal Gunship, causing the powerplants of both ships to go critical and detonate.

Kamarov was familiar with the disregard Federal admirals had for their lives of their subordinates ,but this was extreme even by their standards. Kamarov thought, shocked and disgusted at the sight.

Once Kamarov had engaged his Frame Shift Drive he had thought he was home free, however right as the jump was about to commence a  missile slammed into the back of the Python, as the shields were still up, Kamarov thought nothing of it until his engineering officer turned to him with a panicked look in his eye. "Sir, the FSD just turned itself off! It's going through a full system reboot!"

Kamarov had no idea what could cause such a thing but there was one thing he did know. Kamarov slammed his hand on the ship wide intercom system. Deck hands and engineers running through the ships hall paused as they heard the Commodre's voice come through the intercom system.



Finishing his broadcast and turning to the bridge crew, who were all staring agape at Kamarov

"Are you all deaf! I said move it! GO!"

As the rest of the crew ran to their escape pods  Kamarov started punching in the command codes needed to set the ship for auto destruct, once done he turned towards his personal escape directly outside the bridge door.

"The rest of the crew might make it out, just have to hope one of ships gets my pod, otherwise I'm dead." Kamarov muttered to himself.

It was at this moment that the Python's shields collapsed under the Corvette's onslaught.

The rest of what Kamarov can remember is a nightmare of smoke, fire and tearing metal, obviously I made it to the pod, Kamarov thought to himself, inspecting the bandage that had been wrapped around his head. They hadn't supplied him with anything for the pain however, must want me alert for the "Interview". Kamarov smiled grimly.

"Lucky me" Kamarov muttered to himself. Survived the battle just to die in a Fed interrogation cell, Kamarov heard footsteps outside his cell, mentally bracing himself for what was to come.
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