Logbook entry

Of Brandy and Bad Decisions

23 Jan 2016Terra Sheer
Almost home. Just 13 jumps to go now. Already, civilizations seems to be creeping in. Passed some jerk selling farm equipment in a system with a notable lack of farms (good luck to him!) and another who apparently isn't sure if he wants to get married. Should have thought of that before you chartered the barge, bub. That's a one way trip!

Now it's just a quick stop off in Saffron to cash in on a 360,000c bounty I don't remember scoring.

(Note to self. Lay off the Lavian Brandy. The whole point of buying that poison is to SELL it, and you can't very well do that if you drink it all, now, can you?)

(Counter-note to self. Screw off. Mind your own damn business. You're not my mom.)

Okay, well. Saffron.

And don't blow it on farm equipment or ill-considered nuptials.

Now, Lavian Brandy, on the other hand ... I hear that's a good investment.
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︎9 Shiny!
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