Cmdr Anticstingray19
Tour operator / Salvager
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Sidewinder Mk I AN-08S
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Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

Combat Farming

29 Jun 2021Anticstingray19
It all began with Dav's hope. Many yrs ago found this little jewel, and used it a lot. Boring yes, easy yes, fun no. Then I did something I didn't think would ever happen, I agreed to teach new cmdrs. I know I know, What was I thinking, Stale samo samo. Took some new cmdrs to Dav's 1 got toasted he made the mistake most new cmdrs make. Not watching his surroundings. This got me thinking, has to be a better way. So loaded up carrier moved to a system with a compromised navigation beacon. Loaded up new cmdrs ships with guns, collection limpets started blasting pirates and collecting parts for trade at station. Easy peasy oh so breezy,,, it works it works well,. Wing goes out new cmdr sends out collection limpets 3 cmdrs blast pirates. Lots and lots of parts. Condas give grade 3 and 5 parts plus cmdrs learn Wing combat tactics and money win win ... A school was born... Welcome to PBSF Combat school cmdr. Today's lesson we learn to make money and farm pirates.
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