Logbook entry

HOTCOL Fort Mug Expedition

16 May 2017A5ylum
Cmdr A5ylum's Log Star Date 16/05/3303

It is with much trepidation and hesitance that I will begin my journey to Colonia. The Hutton Truckers recently gained control of a station within the new bubble. Fort Mug that lies on the first planet in the EOL PROU LW-L CB-194 system.

The last time that Black Arrow was that far from home was on a tourist run to Sag-A. She is ready. A new improved jump range of just shy of 50 ly will help me on my way although this will be compromised by the substantial amount of cargo that I will be required to carry.

I have been asked to carry rare goods to our intrepid explorers and first settlers. I will deliver Hutton Mugs, Centauri Mega Gin and Indi Bourbon. They deserve it. They have paved the way for the expansion of the Hutton Orbital Truckers into the new bubble. This, in my opinion has come just at the right time. Scary things are happening within the bubble of humanity.

Sightings, strange artifacts and interdictions from unknown alien entities are causing unrest within the community. I fear many lives will soon be lost. We are dealing with forces currently beyond our comprehension. Their technology far surpasses our own and if it comes to war, we will not win.

So, for now, I will venture out to the new worlds. I will perform my task with diligence and zeal. A true trucker.

Cmdr A5ylum signing off. For the Mug.
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