Cmdr Physionater
Bounty hunter / Trader
Registered ship name
Battle Angel
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PH-01
Overall assets
Skeleton Crew

Logbook entry

Pondering life staring into the black...

12 Apr 2020Physionater
Looking at the great expanse through the window of my Battle Angel. This ship is my all. She has kept me safe for 5 years now. Mm a pity the pilot chair is of center. Does not matter where in the galaxy I am or what I am doing all hyperspace jumps leads back to Battle Angel.

The time alone in the black makes a man think...and think. Emotions of loneliness and longing of family do well up sometimes but they vanish quickly in the sound of my multi cannons and beam lasers ripping through the shields and hull of those who deserve it.

Dishing out justice in some part of the galaxy is not just a career or a way to make money. For me it is a code to live by. Something I was born for something I was trained for. Something I excel at...
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