Cmdr Physionater
Bounty hunter / Trader
Registered ship name
Battle Angel
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PH-01
Overall assets
Skeleton Crew

Logbook entry

In the Black there is only one paint job you need

07 Sep 2020Physionater
In the black all that matters is Mid Night Black. Do not be fooled you lumo commanders I can see you from light years away.

Pirates with your red stripes and skulls. I have you in my weapon sights. Soon to be the red stripes on the nose of my ship and your skull free floating in space. You will not be missed nor shall I loose sleep over your demise.

For those commanders fighting for the weak and seeking out justice remember Mid Night Black is back only on Black Friday.
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︎1 Shiny!
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