Cmdr Physionater
Bounty hunter / Trader
Registered ship name
Battle Angel
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PH-01
Overall assets
Skeleton Crew

Logbook entry

Finding Like minded...

18 Jan 2021Physionater
After years drifting in the black looking for crime and dishing out justice in metric tons. I have met a few like minded commanders from all areas of the bubble.

We formed a squadron called skeleton crew with Sarcophagus as its flag ship. We are currently focused on decreasing the numbers of the Muthniu Gold Gang.
the hunting is relentless and intense, but that is we like it.

We are from all creeds of life but one of the things we have in common is remorseless hunting and killing of those that deserve it.

The men are dedicated and working non stop. Soon safety will return to this little part of space.
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︎2 Shiny!
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