nice and slow does it
29 May 2017spike.rog
just a normal Monday morning .had a few jobs to do and got them done within an hour .got a few to do by 8 am tomorrow morning so ill be setting off about 4 am . I don't like rushing around plus it will be nice too be up at that time and be finished early. had a message from the whelk ( see last log) saying thanks for saving him .I just hope he leaves me alone and forgets about the story's he wants .well my first officer has informed me that my chef of engineering has told her he's not coming back .well that's his loss .so going to need a new one .I know a chap from years gone by who loves to work on ships as an engineer so ill give him a ring .he is also a big ice cream lover so he is nicked names pepi the ice cream man his real name is Steve so Im going to enjoy winding him up as he hates being called pepi .well better get an early night got to be up at the crack of dawn if there is a dawn in space . tbc