Logbook entry

Morning wood

30 May 2017spike.rog
well got up this morning to get a few jobs done got a few good bounties on the way the best being 255 145 for a fer de lance who thought he was the king of space .so what now for the rest of the day well breakfast then chill for a bot Im going to make a target to make about 5 million today so its going to be a long haul but get the right missions and we will be rocking .I had a message this morning from the pesky galnet report Erick the whelk ~( can get over who would call there son Erick then put the in the middle) so ive decided to meet him on a space station in the lhs 2447 system and give him the story he wants . I hoe he is going to be ready .still things are looking up the crew are preforming well and we have no problems . the void is still calling me out there ..its in my dreams its like I have unfinished business
to attend to but to what end .. what is it with deep space that sends a lone pilot out into the black .and there have been many brave souls who have gone .many have returned safe but also many have lost their life's to a freak accident . or they have not had the equipment to go out so far .the worse mistake an explorer can make is not going out with a fuel scoop and a good one at that .then expect that brave group of lads and lasses from interspace rescue or fuel rats to all of us to go and help them .well that al for now fly safe ...
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