Sins of the mother
24 Jun 2017spike.rog
well have decided to get some exploring done over the next few days as a change . plus I did promises my tact officer we would go looking for her lost father. just outside the sol system we found a crash site and an escape pod . I had high hopes that we had found him .but nope just some other lost soul that had not taken the planets gravity into consideration when landing his ship was nowhere to be found but we did find him and some salvage . my tack officer Jayne was very upset that we had not found who we were looking for so I sent het off the bridge to get herself together .poor woman it was only last year she lost her husband to a mining accident . I decided to do some digging and got into contact with her mum who helps run far seer inc yes the old engineer base in deceit . she told me that as Jayne did not want to stay there and left without telling her she made the story up about her father being alive .truth is he died 8 years ago . so no im stuck with a choice do I tell her the truth or just keep looking until she gives up any hope of finding him . who could do such an evil thing .its pure evil to do what her mum had done .mind you they never did get on so she properly is looking for a bit of revenge for the arguments she lost.. well the saying goes you cant choose your family you can choose your friends . so we shall keep exploring later today and tomorrow and ill sit down and let her know the truth .on a lighter note scanned 6 systems and a few planets today and made over 1 million creds so that was not bad. well that's it for now just going to chill might go out later ( ...................NOTE TO SELF . STOP JUMPING CRATERS AND ROCKS YOU ONLY HAVE ONE SR V )