a new ship to the fleet
02 Jul 2017spike.rog
well I have gone and got my self another asp explorer this little ship is easier to handle and faster then the galactica .and more nimble . got a new 31 jump range out of the fsd so hoping to get a a few mort out of her before we head out into the unknown .we shall be gone for at least 6 months or maybe longer .with the alien threat now on the cars and alien sites being found all over the place makes you wonder if we should wait and fix some alien busting weapons on the ships before taking them out. have not done a lot in the last few days I wanted to give the crew a good rest they have earned it .so some of them got a shuttle back to earth some stayed her and just chilled . I did get back to sol and saw some fiends while I was there but I cant stay long its not like home anymore . plus you get that gem oniel from the the federation trying to sign me up every time I see him cant he take the hint im not interested . well my space soup has arrived so better get down to having this before a nice restful evening