Into the unknown
10 Oct 2017spike.rog
well this is it. we are about to launch and go into the unknown. we have never been this far out so we are all getting excited about what we might find. so the playlist are loaded. the crew are ready we are all in high spirits , and ready to go. engineering tells me everything is working fine. tactical all ready comms ready and everything looks good. and now all we need to do is launch and be on our way. we have plotted a rout to Colonia its just over 19000 lys and its going to be a long trip we wont be back for Christmas but hopefully be spending Christmas in Colonia so here is to all in the bubble and all on earth ..see you next year . I intend to see the new year in Colonia and drinking at the bar they have there . ive heard they have a great lap dance club where you can do as you please. .better not tell my first officer she hates things like that .. 3 mind to launch so the count down commences. and we are ready so updates will appear here every other day ..ttyl cmdrs fly safe o7