Logbook entry

Maybe I'll stay a bit longer

11 Oct 2015Annabunches
Before I headed back out to the edge, I thought I'd spend a little time relaxing at Smoot Station. It's where I tend to stay when I'm inside the bubble. It's not too far from home, and there's a lot of work to be had nearby.

Anyway, I got wind that the old Imperial Eagle is selling at some public shipyards. Went to check it out, and soon enough was strapping in to the tiniest fighter I've ever flown. I've decided to call her the Imperative.

I also heard the new Empress was paying extra for security services in He Xingo, so it seemed like a decent way to give her a test flight. Jumped on over and hunted some rats in the rings of He Xingo 2.

The Imperative flies like a dream. Reminded me why I love combat so much. What a rush!
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︎4 Shiny!
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