Logbook entry

These bastards will pay

11 Oct 2015Annabunches
I got wind of some extra calls for security up around Bacon City. Get up there, sign up for security detail, clear out some pirates and other scum. Business as usual, right? Except some lackey of Felicia Winters interdicts me and starts shooting me. I do the obvious thing: I shoot back. End up blowing her out of the sky. When I check the local notices, though, turns out now there's a bounty on my head, even though that asshole landed half a dozen blows before I decided to shoot back! Looks like friends of Winters are immune to the laws in Carnoeck.

So, alright, fine. I get out of dodge. Head back to Chona, figure I'll finally hang my bounty hunting hat up and go get some peace and quiet for a while. About 3 ls from Smoot, though, I get an interdiction notice. Another crony of Winters, this time in a Federal Assault Ship. What's worse, my chaff malfunctions. It's a close fight, but she finally takes me out. I manage to eject and activate my Imperial Distress Beacon, but that was a seriously close call.

So now I'm out half a million credits, and I've come within an inch of death. All because of these sniveling Federation goons. I have to say, I'm pretty pissed. The kind of pissed that drives a woman to seek revenge.

I hear Winters has her minions out in Mangwe doing some sort of goodwill song and dance. Maybe I'll go crash their little party...
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