Logbook entry

Third Entry 19 JUN 3306 1327

19 Jun 2020Jade Merrydown
Finally managed to get my Challenger yesterday, it's absolutely beautiful to fly a little chunkier than the Chieftain but far more armoured. I've kitted it out with fixed weapons, this'll be my first ship set up like that and gods know it's difficult for someone that's typically using Gimble. Why make the swap you say? Well primarily the power of these plasma shots is something else! Tearing pirates apart with them has been satisfying that's for sure.

These entries aren't so often mostly because I don't know what to say, and partly because, well I just don't think I'm all that interesting. Though that's a little self-defeatist that's what my friends say anyway. With all that said I think I'm going to start making more logs, even with some incredibly dry stuff, that's a maybe though, maybe I'll leave it to all the fun stuff I see or do, Or the strange shit.
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