Logbook entry

CMDR hypogamer45's Log entry: 03/03/3304, onboard the simulation room on the RSV ThargoidSurveyour

03 Mar 2018Dante Bishop
Situation: Normal

CMDRs, this is Captain "Porg" hypogamer45 of the RSV ThargoidSurveyour, I have an urgent message to the unaware:
My ship is currently in orbit around a planet in Pleiades Sector OI-T C3-7 whilst undergoing some minor repairs. I encountered new thargoids today. These guys are small, nimble and have about as much firepower as a Basilisk class Thargoid Interceptor. I got my hands on the new Alliance Chieftain, which is decent at taking out these new thargoids, which are Marauder class Scouts according to the Pilots Federation. Note that these ships open fire on you if you jump into a NHSS. Bring weapons with you, literally anything will damage these guys.

I also decided to haul myself to the new Guardian Structures that Ram Tah wants investigating. My thoughts? Fantastic, absolutely fantastic! They are a ton different to the ones found in 3302 or whatever. For starters, there are these 'Guardian Sentinels' that open fire on you. They only appear if you get close to these pillars which glow. And when I see glowy thing, I open fire. This time, it worked. I found 6 of these in total, then I went to this 'altar' looking thing.
It had this access port in the floor that looked alot like the ones found in the Thargoid Structures. So, I went to find an Ancient Relic, since this was a guardian site, so I thought "Why not, it looks like the ones back close to home" Amazingly, it worked. Suddenly, a hiss, some steam and then a floating ball popped out. It was like something out of a si-fi film. It span a few times, like a ball does, then opened. My contacts told me this was a database of some kind, so I scanned it.
I got some sort of Guardian tech, but I had no time to check. 3 Sentinels appeared out of no-where, so I had to drive out of there, but before I got to the edge of the site, I stopped. "Why am I running? I have guns." So I opened fire. Got one down, but I decided to jump aboard my ship, power up the thrusters and get out of there.

I must go now, I have to check the repair status.
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