Logbook entry

CMDR ConnorDBH ship log: 8th March 3306

08 Mar 2020Dante Bishop
Computer, start log, date 8th of March 3306


Hello Commanders, its been a while.
I've had no communication for the past, what, almost 30 weeks now. I was out in the far black. I docked back in civilisation start of this week, and my oh my have I missed stuff. My ship; the U.I and my assistant who I named Max, seemed to get a massive update. There's different cockpit modes now. Huh, strange.
My ship, well, he's seen better days. FSD is knackered from all the dwarf stars I came across. The paintjob is all gone, like it wasnt even there so that puts me out a few credits. At least all the U.I updates come free though, cant begin to imagine the cost for those.
Anyways, I'm off for now, I need to let some of this space madness go, and in my experience, only some good ol' combat does the trick. Until the next log Commanders, o7.
Computer, end log.

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