Logbook entry

Casual continuity

08 Nov 2016Tristan Pacheco
Back in Sol, but this time we're on Mars. I'm really beginning to hate this place. Prior to terraforming, Mars' dust storms would go unfelt by any sentient creature, and it was simply dust. Now, there are whole cities in the way of these processes, and global warming (intentional in this case-have to continuously rejuvinate Mars' atmosphere due to lack of magnetic field) means that when it rains, it fucking pours. Red mud permeates the streets of every street outside the capital. This wouldn't normally be a problem, since there's a spaceport in the capitol we can land at, or...could...if it wasn't one of the busiest in the Galaxy. So we usually land outside and take a Federal courtesy car there (we call it THE Federal courtesy car since it's not made by Core Dynamics but mimics their style almost to the point of copyright infringement). This time we landed right in the middle of a typhoon. The drive to the capitol was miserable, and it didn't help that as usual, we were not told why we were needed there. Upon arrival, we rented a hotel as usual and drove to the Federal Navy Logistics HQ, a hulking skyscraper that pierces 4,500 feet into the sky. We were escorted to what I assumed would be one of Admiral Eickert's offices, but instead we met someone new. After a short argument about my entire squadron following me to this meeting, we were introduced to Fleet Admiral McCarthy, who turned out to be one of the most imposing, if not the most imposing, women I've ever met. This is the conversation as well as I can remember it (after introductions). For visualization's sake, the we were on the 250th floor, in a private office with an open view of the city. It was dark and rain was pelting the window the whole time:

"Admiral Pacheco, have you heard of the discovery of the "alien" complex in the Synuefe sector?"

"Of course, ma'am. We try to keep up with-"

"And have you heard of the discovery of the second alien crash site in the Pleiades Nebula?"

"...Um, no ma'am. Must've slipped past us."

"You were there though, on the weekend of the 29th of October."

"Yes, ma'am. For combat duty."

"Admiral, we know why those ships crashed and who built the facility. The latter issue is now beyond our control, but the crash sites have to be contained. The drives on those vessels must be recovered before the Empire is able to procure them. The reason why, precisely, is on a need to know basis. Fortunately, we have time, and you will have assistance. For one, the radiation the drives emit will erode your ship's components until they fail. Your hull and bulkheads will need to be reinforced. Military grade won't cut it here. This would normally be paid for by the Navy, but we're going to give the ship to you. We're also transferring control of the rest of your squadron's ships to them."

"That's all well and good ma'am, but how do we show up to the crash site and remove the drives without anyone noticing? There are a lot of civilians there gawking at it at any given time. And how am I to upgrade my hull more than it already is?"

"When you arrive at the crash site, no civilians will be present. We can assure you that. As for your hull...have you ever heard of a civilian by the name of Selene Jean?"

"It...rings a bell."

"She's an eccentric miner with a facility on an airless world in Kuk. She makes her own specialist alloys from Core Dynamics composites and tungsten. An illegal, but impressive procedure. We've been in contact with Core Dynamics about the composites. They aren't happy about the arrangement but they'll deal. All you need to do is fly there and receive the upgrade. And pay for the initial bulkhead reinforcement, of course."

"...Do I get to keep the FNS on my ship's name?"

"Yes, CMDR. Dismissed."

We saluted her, she returned the salute, and we left. In the relatively short time we were there, the storms had worsened. Traffic lights had stopped working on the East side of the city and the suburbs were reportedly experiencing power outages. For safety reasons, we're now staying in the hotel for tonight. For the time being, we still have power, since most of the lines are underground in the middle of the city. Still absorbing all the information that I was given. I'll have to speak to Admiral Eickert about this circumstance. But that'll wait until tomorrow. Right now, I'm starving. I'm gonna talk to the rest of the 50th about the food situation. We may drive across town but that would be with the added risk of accidents thanks to the outdated traffic control system. I'm thinking we'll order pizza and let someone else deal with the weather. Yeah, that sounds good.

Until next time,
RADM Tristan Pacheco
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