Logbook entry

The Universe clearly hates me

10 Nov 2016Tristan Pacheco
We had to stay for a whole second day on Mars before the weather cleared enough for us to make it to the spaceport outside of town, and even then driving through mountains of mud made the journey much longer than it should've been. We weren't really concerned at the time about our orders: Go back to Maia, secure the subspace drives on the crashed alien spaceships. After we finally get to our ships, we headed out, and stopped at the last inhabited system before the Aries Dark Region, which we decided to wait a night and cross today. Just our fucking luck, we wake up, go for a walk, and on that walk we read the news.

The Ant Hill Mob has decided to launch a retaliatory strike against the Pleiades Resource Enterprise. Fan-fucking-tastic. We leave a war zone, win the battle, and then get to return to the area just as another battle starts in the exact same place. WHY?! I mean, how does the mob even have enough resources to do this? We destroyed more than 5,000 ships! They live 300 ly outside the Bubble. Traders barely venture there. Undoubtedly, the Federation is going to apply the exact same strategy as last time and send a billion spec ops pilots to masquerade as civilians so no one thinks the corporation is working under official Federal military capacity. I have no idea what happens to us now.

We still have to get those drives, only now we'll be interdicted every 3 Planck seconds trying to get to them, and they'll probably be guarded by military ships now, instead of hapless civilians trying to take a pretty picture. I don't think I've ever been so pissed and so disappointed simultaneously. This time, at least, I know what kind of facilities I'll be staying in, or more accurately, what kind of facilities I sure as hell will not be staying in. I'm going to fly to the nearest service economy, buy the most expensive mattress and bedset I can find, and stock up on junk food. I refuse to stay in the cramped building we had last time.


Until next time
RADM Tristan Pacheco
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