Logbook entry

Nothing of Interest

30 Nov 2016Tristan Pacheco
Usually a day doesn't go past on active duty where something exciting doesn't happen. Our break ended on Monday and since then we've been tasked with carrying documents to and from Mars High. Admiral Eickert and I had a discussion about this. He knows it's boring and agrees that we would be better allocated doing...oh I dunno...anything else, but per his information, nothing is really happening at the moment, besides the public request by the Federation for exploration data for deep space, and its counter by the Children of Raaxla. Clearly it has something to do with aliens, but the specifics are on a need-to-know basis, and we are apparently free of the need. Would you believe me if I told you I'm sitting in a cubicle right now? I am. This is the first and hopefully the last entry I'll ever type in this place. We're back on Mars right now, and I'm, get this: writing a field report about my vacation on Earth. At first I thought Eickert was joking. At second I still thought he was joking. It wasn't until third that he finally insisted that this was a real thing that I was for some reason being required to do. Either the Federation has sunk to new lows in terms of things to do, or the Navy is trying its absolute best to keep me and my squadron away from something. I don't know what I don't know at this point. Is there a clearance above top secret? I don't know and right now I don't particularly care. I want to finish this fucking report, eat, and go to bed.

Hopefully next time I write something worthwhile will have happened.

Until next time
RADM Tristan Pacheco, the Bored
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