Logbook entry

Still alive, somehow

25 Jul 2017Tristan Pacheco
I thought I'd never write another one of these again. Over the last several months, silent chaos has descended upon every Federal facility I've been inside. We have now confirmed that the aliens we're dealing with are the Thargoids, without any trace of doubt. Worse, our weapons do almost nothing to them, if their ships are still...alive. With Palin's somewhat forced assistance, we've been working feverishly (I say we. More like they.) to develop weapons that can destroy their scout ships. And by the way, that's all we've encountered so far, is scout ships, and they're still capable of annihilating capital detachments with ease. It's a miracle that we haven't heard reports of civilian or even Imperial or Alliance engagements yet. Of course, they could be just doing a better job at keeping them secret. That's a major issue though, and my primary reason for writing. The 50th has a new mission: venture under cover into Imperial space and obtain Imperial military reconnaissance reports by any means necessary, paying special attention to any encounters with "unknown" craft or technology, or otherwise any specific mention of Thargoids. We're to avoid combat if possible. This will also be my first opportunity to use the FNS Leviathan, which has literally been gathering dust for a couple of years now in Morgue's Mortuary. First we'll have to get the registry hidden and encrypted. It does have the FNS appended to it, after all, and that would be one way to blow its cover very quickly. Most of us can fake an Imperial accent fairly well, so that shouldn't be an issue either. I have some ideas about how I'll accomplish the task. This ship will make things a lot easier, once it's been cleaned and made fit. We can't let the public think that the Thargoids are only attacking Federal Navy ships. That would be very bad for our image, especially now. So the moment we uncover any info, we're to turn it over to the Pilot's Federation. If they don't write about it, we will.
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