Logbook entry

Vacation, finally!

14 Oct 2015Tristan Pacheco
After weeks of causing trouble in the Empire, I’ve finally alighted my ship in the Korovii system for some well-earned R&R. Command said the Earth-like planet in the system was beautiful, and they were right. Cool air, not-too-high pressure, and an acceptable O2 level make it a pretty nice place to stay. What they did not tell me, however, is that the system was gripped by a civil war. The station authorities assured me that the conflict was not taking place planetside, and my visit would not be affected, but that didn’t stop security from running a background check and a second ID scan to make sure I was actually military and not some terrorist trying to touch topsoil. Once I finally managed to get to the ground, I was taken by shuttle to a beachside resort on the East coast of the planet’s largest continent.  There was far more wildlife here than on my home planet. What passed for birds here flew in huge flocks overhead, and some sort of giant insects scuddled randomly over the beach. It was exotic, but comfortable, thanks to my luxurious resort room. Now I’m sitting in that room wondering where I’ll go next. I heard that there’s a fantastic camping ground in the mountain range south of here, and I intend to go verify that claim. I’ll be back in the ink on the 19th.
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︎2 Shiny!
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