Logbook entry

Correction: Countermeasures deemed effective

15 Sep 2017Tristan Pacheco
Aegis. How such an organization slipped beneath my radar is beyond my comprehension. Apparently the organization was formed last month...publicly. The 50th returned from Imperial space today with a slew of reports of Thargoid sightings, but almost no attacks. It truly appears that the Thargoids are specifically targeting Federal Naval vessels. It seems that's about to change though. I attended the tail-end of a meeting between Admiral Eickert and some professor whose name I did not learn, apparently a scientist from Aegis. He spoke with an accent neither Federal nor Imperial, so I assumed he must have been from Alliance space. Apparently Aegis has successfully developed weapons that can do damage to Thargoid vessels.
The issue? They fucking regenerate their hulls. Or skins. Whatever. How did they find this out, Admiral Eickert asked? Well of course Aegis took a battle squadron right up to a Thargoid interceptor and tried to blow it the hell up. I had to remember not to judge them for their actions. After all...I had done the same, although to no effect. The man claimed to, additionally, have some sort of device that prevents the EMP-like effects the Thargoids shoot out. I immediately started thinking of ways the device could be turned against the Empire...but they were officially a secondary problem. The discovery of these weapons apparently coincided to our blockade of Palin's research base. He tried to play dumb with the media. I think it worked. After the scientist left I spoke to Eickert about this new information. It presented an issue: this would be the umpteenth refit the Last Horse has gone through.
I was not excited to sit around at Eta Cassiopeia again as experimental weapons were again bolted haphazardly to my hardpoint bays. He said, somewhat ominously, that that wouldn't be necessary, and then dismissed me. I've been thinking about what that meant. Aegis isn't planning on going public with these new weapons, were they? That would be utter insanity. We'd have an arms race of intensity unseen before. Either that, or, miraculously, the war between us and the Empire will end and we'll reform GalCop and heroically unite against the alien menace. Ha! Yeah, right!
Either way, our mission is complete, and we have no further orders, so we're just gonna take our accumulated R&R and chill in the core systems for a while, unless something crazy happens.

Until next time,
RADM Tristan Pacheco
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