Logbook entry

Cryptic much?

29 Sep 2017Tristan Pacheco
We've been held in Mars High for over a week now. The Admiralty has descended into silent chaos...again. This morning I walked into my temporary office and there was a message being projected above the table. I'm not sure whether I missed some meeting, or if someone was trying to be as big of an alarmist as possible (if that term is applicable on the eve of a possible alien invasion). It read:

Mars High
Federation Order ID #A0002-0001X/T
Issued By: FADM McDunn, President Zachary Hudson
Issued to: All Federal Navy squadrons with secret clearance or higher
Orders Valid: 28/9/3303-INDEFINITE


Description: Defense protocol: Living Dawn in effect. Project: Dynasty on standby. All hostilities for special operations units towards Imperial forces are to halt immediately. Priority for special operations units is now anti-Thargoid operations. Report to Michell Depot in Eurybia for ship refit, then to Morgue's Mortuary in Eta Cassiopeia for further orders. Advise controllers on contact you have information X-RAY-TANGO.

Oh. Ok. I never thought I'd see a flash message, or, for that matter, an order with an indefinite duration. It also doesn't explain what defense protocol Living Dawn is or what Project Dynasty is. The second one rings a bell but I can't remember where I've heard it. Either way this means my ship is getting refit again. I've known it was gonna happen but I didn't think it would be happening at the same time as every spec-ops squadron in the Federal Navy. How Michell Depot is gonna handle this, I don't know. It's gonna be Maia Point all over again, and I'm not looking forward to it. Either way, my ship awaits in the hangar bay and we had better get a move on, lest we be stuck waiting in line until humanity is extinct. Psh, like that'll happen. Right?

Right, guys?

Until next time (?)
RADM Tristan Pacheco
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