Logbook entry

Once more, unto the breach

19 Oct 2015Tristan Pacheco
Final night in Korovii. I decided to spend it on the station, so I can leave early tomorrow morning. I had a great vacation, full of gambling and camping. I had a fantastic tour guide and met up with my wingmen for a night on the prowl. Hell, Saturday night, we were all walking down a busy street when one of the local wildlife decided to spring onto a security officer nearby. Our hysterical laughter pissed her off and she chased us for half a block before giving up. I wasn’t worried about getting fined on this planet. My wonderful/terrible habit of charging 200% interest on money I loan out put me in the green at a casino, despite me losing almost all the money I personally gambled with. The camping spot in the Karaki mountains turned out to be as incredible as my tour guide told me it was, and the weekend was abound with wildlife spotting and rock-climbing. There was also a Fer-De-Lance owner’s club operating over the area, and watching them fly loops in formation was good fun. The reality of the civil war hit me as I packed my things into my ship here in the orbital. Half the equipment wasn’t working, burn marks riddled the back of the station, and the ship preheaters were busted, so my preflight inspection (which I always do the day before my flight) took an exceptionally long time. I’m not excited to get back out there and cause more trouble, especially as the Empire is celebrating the coronation of Arissa Loves-Slavery Duval. On the other hand, I need to keep the credits flowing, and this is my only way.
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