Logbook entry

Riches and Wars

23 Oct 2015Tristan Pacheco
The Federation pays its NCO’s well. Very well. My current salary is sitting at 260,000,000 Cr a year, and that’s not counting combat bonds. I received my last paycheck yesterday, and decided to splurge on some random crap I found at the station’s shop closest to the 0-G bar. Getting caught up in constant shadowy fighting and subversion has caused me to forget how incredibly rich I am. Before I started flight school, I heard tales of pilots becoming millionaires overnight thanks to the Onionhead trade or a lucky bounty. I didn’t imagine I would be one of those pilots. Of course, I’m doing it the legal, respectable way, as well. So that got me thinking, I should really start immersing myself in the lifestyle of the galaxy’s finest. I already had plans to retire on Earth (which I’ve yet to even land on), and everyone there is a multibillionaire. So I thought to myself what’s the best way to accomplish these things? I hope you weren’t expecting an answer, because I don’t have one yet. I was raised on LHS 3447 A5. What? You haven’t heard of it? I don’t blame you, it’s pretty backwater, but it is pretty close to Eravate, and everyone knows where that is. But I digress, my upbringing wasn’t exactly high-class, so I’m entirely clueless on this rich thing. Supposedly, there’s a war in a soon-to-be Federation star system above Sol. I haven’t received anything yet, but I imagine orders will come down soon for me to head that way and participate in the fighting. That being said, my CO will likely want a personal report on the action, so I’ll have to return to Sol. Then, I’ll figure out how luxury works. Until then, CMDR Pacheco, signing off…
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