Logbook entry

What Now?

30 Oct 2015Tristan Pacheco
Unsurprisingly, the Imperial Navy obliterated Emperor's Dawn in all three of its main bases. We high-tailed it outta there before things got too messy. I destroyed 75 Imperial Naval Vessels and they sent me off with 7.5 million credits. I'm currently in deep space on my way to Nanomam for orders. The communications blackout is still in effect until I get there. I've earned a shitload of R & R, and I'm going to use every bit of it in-system. I'm thinking of getting some upgrades to my ship's communication system. I really hate that beep it makes before every transmission, and text-based isn't too advanced either. I mean, really, this is the 34th century, we should at least have some formatting available on a multi-million credit ship. Anyway, I think someone's trying to interdict me, so I'll write again in a few days to a few weeks (depending on how much of my earned R & R I want to use).
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