Logbook entry

Something's Amiss

02 Dec 2015Tristan Pacheco
After a long wait, I finally got to get back out into the ink. I've been flying since the 26th, but haven't been able to write due to how busy I've been. I haven't received any more top secret orders since the Emperor's Dawn incident, but I feel I'm going to get more soon. I've been tasked with a bunch of remedial chores, really. I'm getting the feeling that something's very wrong in the Bubble. My new CO's been very tight lipped lately and I'm beginning to wonder if it has anything to do with the massive amounts of system malfunctions that have been going on. I'm going to start taking things into my own hands if I don't get answers soon, and I may have found just the way to do that. Currently, though technically atmosphere capable, The Incorruptible has very weak vertical thrusters. I can more or less glide into a low-g zone and get away if I jam the throttle to max. This is mostly because planetary landing suites are outrageously expensive and take a great deal of time to install. But I think I'm going to invest in one. I might put it on one of my new Imperial ships or perhaps my Vulture so the Federal Navy doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Then I'm going to buy some kind of vehicle to roam the surface (dunno where I'll find one of these quite yet). I have reason to believe (I won't list my source, even here. I don't want to incriminate someone should this journal be found) that the Federation is keeping secret the existence of some kind of extraterrestrial bases on the borders of the Bubble. I have a plan in the works here regarding my actions should I confirm this for myself. I've always thought my government was doing the best it could for its people, but I'm beginning to have my suspicions. This new security clearance isn't making it any better. Anyways, I have to deliver a load of some kind of seafood to Epsilon Eridani, so see ya.
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