On my way to Colonia
25 Jul 2017Boni58
Can someone get elite explorer without leaving the bubble?
Of course the answer is yes!
I 've been playing for more than one thousand hours and got the rank Ranger almost with missions close to the populated zone.
Some few more passengers missions and I should get elite rank in exploration.
However, did I feel a “real explorer”? My answer is no.
For sometime I had the intention to go on to a far destination, to try it, to explore, to be the first to discover some systems and objects and to visit far interesting places.
After some visits to the Thargoid Base on Pleiades Sector area I told myself that now was the moment.
Shall I go alone or should I take company? I accepted a mission to take a famous explorer to Colonia.
This choice is a constrain because of the deadline to return, better was to go alone, so I could stay around Colonia. But the choice was made and I must respect my compromise.
Got my Asp Explorer ready with discovery scanners, opted for a docking computer instead of an AFM module (because I decided to make stops in the known bases).
And lets go!
Departed on 17th of July evening.
It is a long long way, a lonely travel, a repetitive jumping action, through the first days I learned how to be more selective with scanning, and found a compromise between scanning and travel not so slow.
I chose the Colonia Connection Route, with six known stops.
Couldn’t get each branch in one day, and couldn’t play each day but after eight days I am less 20 jumps away from arrival in Colonia.
And got the opportunity to do a lot of exploration, without no cash we get no rank point ☺
I am really excited and pleased that I made myself up.
On the way to Colonia, I must confess I thought to give up. Such a long way, so many jumps, and there is still the way back.
Elite Dangerous can be boring in some moments, but it is up to you to choose your way and get the most of it. It was also a lesson of life, why should I give up and turn back?
I had an aim, and decided to go for it.
The fun to explore increased everyday, the learning of being more selective with the objects to scan also.
Alltogether I scanned thousands of objects and was the first to discover more than 300. Probably the profit on the way will be around 60 millions of credits. Not so bad.
The trip is not dangerous, with low probability to find pirates, the worst enemy may be yourself, a stupid mistake crashing the ship against a sun or planet. And getting bored ☺
Let’s arrive in Colonia safe, do the mission with the passengers and return in time.