Cmdr Rac
Explorer / Astrobiologist
Registered ship name
Brockenknacker II
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Anaconda RA-05A
Overall assets
Cosmic Independent Agency
Yuri Grom

Logbook entry

Nos Quaeritis LLC (English)

15 Jan 2022Rac
Translated with and Cmdr. Esme Wyrd
### Beginning of transmission - free broadcast Tawega ###
### No encryption ###

The story of Nos Quaeritis LLC

1. the beginning
2. tarali
3. foundation of a company
4. building a company
5. present

Thanks to an insider, we have new information about the company Nos Quaeritis LLC, including the origin and development of this small company under the auspices of theCosmic Independent Agency, which has developed greatly since its inception, mainly thanks to its popular product "Tarali" which can be found everywhere in the systems of the CIA.

The beginning

Exactly when it all started is no longer traceable, but with whom is!
The Cmdr's Sverenja and Rac from the CIA founded a small smuggling organization for exobiological data, samples and plants. These were often hidden on CIA ships and fleet carriers, thanks to an extensive network within Tawega.
Several incidents led to Cmdr. Sverenja separating from the organization shortly before she went into hiding. The biggest incident, which was covered up thanks to generous donations, occurred at [CIA] Langley.
There, a forgotten sample proliferated and caused several malfunctions. Only after two days of burning out the areas was the sample completely removed.
The organization was facing extinction! A team of scientists developed the first Tarali shortly thereafter, which was the much-needed rescue.


Tobacco like, low smoke, slightly intoxicating and not addictive!
That's what the couriers advertised at Heinlein Station. The name did not catch on, because of inferior quality, often only as "NQ"- No quality, was said.
Nevertheless the profits rose and by the arrival of the Cosmic Independent Agency in Helheim system, on 31.07.3307, a large chance arose!

Foundation of a company

When the CIA arrived in Helheim, it caused a stir in the system and all resident factions and companies had bigger worries than the small Herrera Company with its small agricultural and badly run down settlementHERRERA BOTANICAL HOLDING, which was on the verge of insolvency and tried to sell itself well.
Cmdr. Rac sensed a good deal and formed Nos Quaeritis LLC rapidly on 01.08.3307, using the rather negative NQ as initials. Due to the confusion in the system the price of the Herrera Company slipped into the cellar and the not even one day old Nos Quaeritis LLC could take it over for comparatively few credits, including all research results in the matter of agriculture and production, as well as the settlement with all employees and equipment.

Building a company

At considerable cost, the entire interior of the settlement was renewed, especially the scientific stations for analysis and further processing, as well as the production facilities, were brought up to the state of the art. In addition, a new laboratory was added, solely for the research of exobiological samples.
The laboratories were further secured with locked areas that only employees with the highest security level can enter.
However, theChief Director of theCosmic Independent Agency became aware of the new company and its product. In lengthy negotiations, it was agreed that NQ would receive data and samples from the CIA and be allowed to legally operate in their systems, which would include the sale of Tarali if a study could prove that Tarali was not addictive and that the quality was greatly improved!

Excerpt of a study dated 12.09.3307:
" ... have received several samples of Tarali, each of high quality. (...) All subjects, of both sexes, between 16 and 100 years old, (...) subjects reported consuming Tarali once a month to several times a day, mainly after stressful situations, to quote, "come down", end quote. (...) could not detect any addictive symptoms, physical or mental, during the test period of 30 days, without any consumption. (...) Dr. Hans Girmt, physician for biomedicine, Heinlein Station. ...".

With the positive results of the study and its publication, nothing stood in NQ's way and it was able to grow without any problems, together with the CIA. Due to the rapid growth, there were supply bottlenecks, but this problem was also solved in cooperation with the CIA by NQ buying 20 used and no longer needed T-6s from the CIA.


NQ continues to grow unhindered and can now offer more goods in Herrera Botanical Holding, including much-needed coffee for the Chief Director!
According to the latest rumors, another NQ research department has been established on the[TCIA] Ixion to study particularly delicate and rapidly perishable samples. The only concern for investors is the recent increase in the lack of new exploration data and exobiological samples. So far, nothing has stopped NQ and it has overcome all difficulties.
We will keep you updated.

### End of broadcast - free broadcast Tawega ###
Translated with and Cmdr. Esme Wyrd
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