Logbook entry

Ashley Fleek, L 190-21, Bondar Terminal, 14.10.3301, 20:38:06

15 Oct 2015Fleek
[Transmission to LOGBOOK]

What to say... I don't know anymore. I used to care, honest. But as my influence on the other Commanders slips so does my motivation. If they don't want to listen, fine, they can fly straight into the nearest dwarf star. I had been docked at Bacon City for a few days, I think it was good of me to come here. Get to see some space and clear my head. Take up a few pirate bounties on the way. But here I am wasting myself away at another bar, waiting for the repairs on my ship to finish up. I got a transmission from Duncan MacLeod, Ian MacLeod's brother. Apparently Ian was killed, murdered, rather. He wants my help tracking the killer. I can't show him I've been slipping. That I am no longer the Commander that came out of the Federation Navy. I promised Bailey I'd try harder. I guess I'm not taking this log very seriously either. It's not even properly formatted. Great.

Commander Ashley Fleek, Logging Off.

[/Transmission to LOGBOOK]
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