Logbook entry

ASHLEY FLEEK, LHS 3447, Yakabugai, 15.10.3301, 13:32:06

15 Oct 2015Fleek
[Trasmission to LOGBOOK]

Commander Ashley Fleek, Signing Online.

I've made it to LHS 3447, in Manta IV. The 2nd fleet ship in I.S.H.A. The ride was smooth, no real issues arose in the travel period of 17-jumps. My current crew is myself, Commander Bailey, Lieutenant Quinn, Private Welsh, and Private Peters. It's been a fine trip with them all, I couldn't ask for a better crew.

Bailey keeps navigation tabs, corrects course changes, and notifies me of drifting thrusters. She's also been my best friend for the past four years, sometimes more. While she never officially made it through Navy School, I still felt like she could make it with enough guidance and so I decided to bring her on board, as my co-pilot.

Quinn is a hard-ass, but he is good at what he does, he's in charge of defense systems. Keeping all the weapons up and running is his specialty, and damn does he love it. Sometimes I find his obsession with the cannons a bit.. much. But I've never questioned him for his loyalty and skills.

Welsh and Peters do general ship maintenance, keeping an eye on the systems and power levels. They do a bit of everything, and assist in the Commander affairs. If I need a message personally taken or delivered at a station, I'll send one of them out. I find their company amusing, they are a bit of clowns when business is on hold. And that's good, the ship's mood is made a bit brighter hearing their conversations from behind the control console.

Here's a stiff drink to the future of I.S.H.A. as we cruise through Zachary Hudson's systems.

Commander Ashley Fleek, Logging Off.

[/Transmission to LOGBOOK]
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