Logbook entry

First Entry - Back at it.#Entry:0000

25 Aug 2024Hammiz64
25 Aug: After some time away, a lonely hauler back on the Silver runs. Moving large quantities of precious metals, 720 to be precise, across Galaxies & Systems for the best price. Lining my pockets & gaining reputation along the way. Managed to raise around 71,000,000 in a few hours, way more profitable than bounty hunting or running mission for my faction. Although I know I should! I'm a rebel, I'll help out when it suits me! They know this.

Anyway, we are getting side tracked. After making dolla bills for the afternoon, I reticently waited for my wing. Hopes of running wing missions, ground battles & possibly war, were all dashed as I sat at my home station, alone....

27 Aug: After scouting multiple systems & starports I found that the Scorpion SRV was only 2 jumps away from home. This was good news but also frustrating due to the wasted time! I quickly hoped on over there in my fastest ship & purchased the SRV. I also took the time to inform my absent wing of the location. For reference, to any of my wing & Squadron, Abetti Survey - Kausha is where you find this new ground vehicle. Nice & close to home!

After acquiring the new SRV, I jumped system & attempted to raid a settlement. Seems that scavenger will be added to my list of roles. Failing to power the settlement I was jumped by bandits & knocked unconscious! My newly discovered vehicle was destroyed. When I came too, I couldn't see the raiders & decided the leg it! Cowering back to my home system, repairing my ship & ego, I await my wing for the next attempt.

After gaining some gusto, I went out to a nearby Hazardous mining zone & worked with the local law enforcement to hunt down bounties & wanted criminals. Although solo, this was a semi lucrative run with a profit of 5mil. This high intensity, low paid fun was the end of the evening. I returned home & logged.
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