Logbook entry

Log #8 : First entry in a while, recapping events of a trip from Fionn to beagle point.

I've decided to try a new format of log, after foregoing making an entry for months . Less grumpy, less rambling , but a hell of a lot more pictures ... What can possibly go right ?

  I've decided to take another trip across the galaxy as a break from assisting the federal democratic command in their efforts to show the federation that Ivy cooper is the way . Turns out you can only grab so many black boxes for FDC backed factions  that don't belong to you before the authorities and other organizations roll on in looking for your face .

Well, them and thargoids ....

Seems my options were narrowing and that the path of least confrontation was the most appealing at the time . Even during these missions I would try to run, and only shoot if shot at . Maybe once things cool down Ill return to Fionn , but if there's any good time for a trip out into the deep dark, it's now .

  Right, something that can eat light years like Felicity Farseer eats one's time .... I can pick up an anaconda but I would like a bit of maneuverability in supercruise speeds... Along with a non-pocketbook smashing price ....

37 Un-engineered and stripped down won't do . A visit to Felicity should fix that, hopefully some favoritism will kick in considering she and I are feds . And with Felicity's handy work now affecting the frame shift drive , we can fly out of this dump at 50.8 ly a hop . I know there's much better ranges out there, but the thought of fetching anything for any more engineers sends me wanting to drink . If this gets me where I need to go in a jiffy, then I'm more than happy .  But..... this thing needs a new paintjob....

There . Bright red and obnoxious .

First stop : Colonia.

Compared to previous flights to Colonia, I was surprised with the time made getting there, just under two days . I was able to stop in at the different outposts along the way ( Gagarin gate , Polo harbor, etc. )  and still make Jaques station in a timely manner.  However, what grabbed my attention was the newly built Colonia orbital, offering enough outfitting services to allow me to skip Jaques before aiming at the far end of the galaxy. With this tiny diamondback set on course for the middle of nowhere and enough dried food to last months and years if necessary, this little federal dweeb shot themselves into the dark unknown. Final destination : Beagle point.

2 hours in :  

I  set myself on a hunt for not just ordinary nebula but small planetary, neutron, black hole nebula, in the hopes that I could get universal cartographic data to place my cmdr name on the objects. Turns out near Colonia you will already be beaten to alot of them, frustration building as that first discovery tag might as well say first discovered by "not you". Once you come to terms that you won't be claiming this wonder as your own, you can always turn on the cameras and save some of it for yourself.

1 day in :  
With Colonia long behind me now, it's time to look for some locations and phenomena to get first tagged on.Exiting  the core regions, there were two systems that jumped out at me .  

The first had a gas giant with a massive asteroid ring and its own gas giant moon. You could look up from the rings of the moon gas giant and see the main body's rings in its entirety .

The second was a gas giant orbiting in an extremely tight orbit to its parent star . The flight over its surface was something to behold, the violent storms churning below as the sun boils away above you . The gas giant takes on the appearance of an egg.

2 days in :

After a well deserved nap reminiscent of one being in hypersleep over a high metal content world and its moon, I decided the order of the day would be surface driving  on some interesting moons in a nearby system. The moons had an interesting mountain range that almost cost me one rover, but I gave up on trying to climb it after 10-15 attempts  .

Nov 26 : Beagle point arrival day

 Oh god I'm tired . My hands feel like they have been super-glued to the throttle and flight-stick, and even floating around in zero-g feels like a chore . Almost there ... just five thousand light years left.

Nov 26 : Beagle point arrival  
  I've been jumping half asleep and half awake for the past five k, just narrowly missing the exclusion zone on one hyperspace drop. But finally being here, I can make my way over to the distant worlds former final base camp " Darwin's Legacy " on the second body in the system .

Nov 26 : landed on beagle point body 2

  So here we are again, the end of everything we know. Beyond this, a few more star systems and then blackness forever.Nothing. Zilch. Very little lies beyond the rock on which you sit . You could throw something out in that direction, and it very well may float out there until the last star in the universe has fizzled out . Being really optimistic aren't I ....

Nov 27 : Message from another explorer
  While planning my activities along the outer arm, eventually deciding to go home in a few days,I would have never guessed that there was someone else flying around as close as they did . I had flown to a black hole nebula cheekily called the " Distant view in blue " by other commanders, then to receive  a message from a source within a few thousand lightyears causing some paranoia . I wasn't armed, I'm in a small stripped down ship for jump range, I'm no match for anyone . Memories of a good for nothing pirate almost destroying a cobra I had been piloting over carrying escape pods shot into my mind . I made it clear that if I saw an interdictor on their craft, I want nothing to do with them. I was ready to give them a chance however, it wouldn't make sense for a psycho armed to the teeth to fly out all this way.

Nov 27: The meeting  

  The plans were made and they were on their way. I picked a landing spot with a view of the black hole nebula in the sky, waiting for whoever this was . They could be crazy, in a wing of pirates, kidnappers , robbers, whatever awful thing one could think up . They entered the system, wing beacon on, finger on the boost , balance between engines and shields . If they were big and slow maybe I could fly behind them and boost like nobody's business. But if they were fast then I would be done for . But they landed their anaconda  and introduced themselves . No gunfire, no hatch breakers flying, no interdictor .

We started talking and I began to breathe easier and then panicked thinking that the federation designation on the side of my vessel would set them off, considering their power was Aisling Duval when I selected their vessel on the side panel . I had got into my rover to greet them, but looking back at the wing with the federation insignia only to see the paint had worn away. Through the entire exchange of pleasantries, talk of routes, and exchange of any other exploration notes, I had thought my chest was imploding . What luck, escape your troubles in the bubble only to be done in out here . But this restored hope in some people for me at least , to know that maybe that deep space explorer you run into isn't crazy . We said our goodbyes and they flew off to god knows where, leaving me there to hunker down for the night.

With that being said, I should end the log here. I'm tired and there's a stupid 65kly in the way between me and home .....
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︎6 Shiny!
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