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Log#9 :A trader's, miner's, tourist's short introduction to Colonia from a spacer's point of view

Colonia from a spacer's point of view

After making the final 22kly home to Sol, I realized I had no permanent plans to re-settle in Colonia just in case of a core world catastrophe. While it would be more than preferable that humanity's home not be annihilated or overrun by the green menace, maybe it's time for a backup plan. Having been there a year ago when the local mining, extraction, and agricultural operations were in their infancy and seeing how far they have come, it's becoming more tempting to set down there. My basic plan was stripping down the delacy python for jump range, and having A rated engineered modules follow by shipping them out there . Still, I have no clue which non-anarchic non-pirate factions I would try to ally with or what profitable commodity trading routes to take when I settle there, but anything is better than sticking around if those flower bugs really start trashing the human bubble.

 What a difference a year can make! My first visit to the famed robo-hobo Jaques was made while a still mostly harmless spacer in a speedy little cobra. Ever since then I thought I would prod like minded pilots to at least check the area out, that is if 22 thousand lightyears isn't a problem.If we do familiarize ourselves with the region now, we would all already be ready to embrace our new home when the thargoids come along and destroy everything we've built and cherished back in the core worlds bubble ..... I know that sounds like accepting deafeat really early on but come on, those petal psychos are tough !

But before getting to the now more on it's feet " Jaques" area of space, it would be doing the surrounding nebula a sort of disservice to not address the abundance of high value scans, opportunities for more deep space mining, and just scenic locations for the chronic shutterbug and the 8th armchair orca brigade to waltz on into . The nearby nebula of interest aren't too far off, only 1kly in one case.

Jaques station and Colonia hub

A brief and embarrassingly short recap on the history of robo-hobo's palace Jaques station is : An ambitious cyborg decided to jump his station all the way to beagle point, a mis-jump occurred, and ended up in a nebula in the EOL PROU  sector of stars . The missing starport discovered by a commander Sly? Cly ? Sli? Butchered the name there... Commander whatever their name  discovered Jaques and his starport in a state of disrepair, and  brought back into working order by equally longing for isolation spacers who flew out that way . Without Jaques f****** up large with the jump, it is very likely none of the surrounding operations would be here now. I suck at history sometimes ....

  So catching up to today, multiple factions have shipped out here, notable ones too such as cannon, the fuel rats, etc. bringing further expansion speed and stability to the region. Hell, I even managed to make quite a lot of credits by flying biowaste to an agricultural operation in a Colonia area system called " Hamlet's Harmony" . That should be a slogan, " make dosh out of shit, come visit colonia ! "  

 Concerning  the Colonia system itself where Jaques is located, there have been two other ports established since the mis-jump in 3302 . A ground based installation, "Colonia Hub" and an a station orbiting the same moon ," Colonia orbital ".  Colonia orbital provides an adequate enough outfitting selection for explorers looking to make a last minute refit before heading into the black, or an excellent place to rest post deep space excursion.

But a quick word of warning, Jaques station seems to attract pilots on onionhead in large ships ...

So now I assume by now you want to hear about the surrounding places of interest for sightseeing and making credits. So let's go !

Dervish platform : Ogmar

With the lack of A rated modules and 22 thousand ly distance to the nearest engineer, one can save themselves shipping cost and get their hands on at least some decent modules for medium size vessels at Dervish platform in the Ogmar system . While A rated plants above size 3 aren't going to show up here, the selection on utilities for a trader's self defense and hardpoints make this station a welcome sight for anyone looking to do some hauling in the Colonia area. You never know how manly lowlife pirates have made their way out to Colonia to prey on frontier traders and miners without adequate self defense means. If this place is well off enough to have a showroom floor, then of course the glitzy adverts will follow.

Tolagarf's Junkyard : Kojeara and Robardin rock

If one is looking for a new ship for the Colonia region, then one may want to stop by an asteroid base called Tolagarf's Junkyard in the Kojeara system. There, one can get their hands on a type 6,7,and 9 lakon, while bounty hunters can find themselves a core dynamics vulture all ready to fly. This station is occupied by the Tenjin pioneers of Colonia, and while the almighty zorgon fer-de-lance is available in the station " Colonia dream " , you can't fault them for having an at least decent shipyard. With the backdrop of the purple nebula in the background this station could also function as a tourist area, with the inclusion  of some incompetent beluga pilot jamming their hull into the station mailslot.....

While still on the subject of interesting asteroid bases, the Robardin Rock of the Explorers' nation is another base worth at least a visit. The close orbit to its system star along with the lava world below pair up to make any tourist glad they flew along in your flying metal brick!

Concordia hub : Edge fraternity landing

Edge fraternity landing . As a tourist location this already checks off all criteria for me, and it should for you as well. Edge fraternity picked a damn good place to stick Concordia hub as it has arguably one of the best views in Colonia. The system star shines over the landscape in such a way, that at the right angle the mountains surrounding Concordia hub appear to glow on the shadowed side of the mountain .

Morten's paradise : Desy
An outpost I have personally found a lot of credit making opportunity in is Morten's paradise, a small extraction economy  station orbiting a fantastic looking earthlike world in the Desy system. Currently controlled by the Privateer's alliance expeditionary force, they have run into a bit of trouble with in system fighting upon my last visit. Possible that the fighting is over but it is a good idea to take the docking monitor's advice seriously. "Be careful who you side with commander...."

Foster terminal : Coeus

The expansion effort into the Colonia nebula has also brought along the presence of a flight control megaship, Foster terminal. Oddly the flight crew decided to park it in the rings of a gas giant which is a bit dangerous for those with the speed bug, but it makes for an amazing sightseeing area. With a few mining operations happening nearby, miners and bounty hunters can find a good place in the Coeus system to make some profit and clean up some pirates.

Ringed earthlike : Rodentia

The last point of interest I would like to bring up is the ringed earthlike world in the Rodentia system of the Fuel rat colony, with its multiple mining operations happening within the rings. One of the best locations so far for mining pristine rocks or blasting pirates. Hopefully whatever civilization is down there won't be too mad at the human race for stealing their resources before achieving spaceflight.

So there, an introduction to some neat places within the Colonia nebula from my limited point of view.If you choose to fly out there you're probably going to find a lot more interesting areas and money making opportunities than I have listed here, I just hope you're  ready for the 22 thousand light year flight. However with ground based and orbital stations populating the route out to Colonia now, your trip may be made a bit easier. I might go back there one day, but until then I won't pull up roots in Sol or Nanomam until they are destroyed by thargoids!

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