Logbook entry

Log #14 :Exploration busywork: IORASP sector

IORASP sector

Out 65k might as well fire up the scanners and make some credits while here . I'm sure someone's thought of coming out here to mine this place dry of its resources... Also, if I use this time to pocket me some credits with cartographic data, then I won't immediately be back on the clock once returning home! After spending a few days piss drunk, lets just say I've been the exact opposite of productive. I have a feeling if I don't get moving soon, future me will travel backwards in time and slap me in the face one or two trillion times.

  It's a miracle the rover still works, especially after that little escapade with less than sober driving. It must be made out of what the bloody thargoids are made out of to withstand the punishment it did, there must be not one rock I didn't hit ! Quite lucky too, I didn't think of bringing too much to replace important components of the surface rover. At the time it didn't come across as a priority, that area of the cargo hold was taken up by liquor in my infinite wisdom.... On a lighter note, cmdr Persera has already been rescued by the fuel rats. That's a relief !  I had only been a few systems away from the rescue effort . Oh, and the system  wasn't named Salome's reach, it was a moon within the system called Salome's reach . I can be a bit absent minded sometimes ...

I've decided that while out here I will make use of my time by picking up system data of the tip area of the  Sagittarius-Carina arm, an area of space known to explorers as the solitude void. I guess a good way to explore is to chart what's further away from you first and then work your way closer ?

 Time to get off this rock then, tires might be melting....

After coming across a B class of intense brightness, I think I convinced myself  that I was wasting my time, everything I've come across being charted, or at least anything of importance . For somewhere so isolated a large quantity of systems had been tagged.  I was so sure that if I came out this way I would be able to get uni cart to credit me with at least something... F***...Seems some commanders decided to get scans of the tip of the Sagittarius-Carina arm arm after the distant worlds expedition disbanded more than a year ago. Smart move in my opinion, but f*** them for it !

  At this point the best chance I have of getting some uni cart data worth shipping back is to clean up anything important that hasn't been tagged, which is probably really unlikely.

 Might as well try. I'm out here, no point in going straight back.

Without even more then 10 jumps I was starting to come across earthlike life friendly worlds, but they had already been discovered according to uni cart. Damn it . A ball of life like this over 60 thousand light years from home is a wonder to behold, but it sits there mocking you with the fact that you haven't discovered it . Silly of me to think that others haven't had the idea of starting far and working their way closer to home in terms of discovery.  

Hell, quite the storms down there. Whatever life or civilization is down there must be having a rough time.  

IORASP sector : sparse areas

Okay, the IORASP sector of stars is already sparse granted,but it almost seems that the drop off in what little density is there  drops off even sharper than near beagle point. Vast emptiness coming up and surrounding you faster than a glance at the galmap would take. This area while sparse at least had its hidden gems. I was  at least able to tag an undiscovered high metal content world with a large metal rich ring, something I'm sure some mining corporation will jump at...

Within the span of 2 or so jumps towards the edge, the star density began to exceed the 60ly range of my vessel and surrounding stars can be 100 to 200 ly's away. If I shy away from synthesis boosting, then the only way now is to proceed along the arm towards the tip.

 More and more earthlikes, all discovered by someone else.... Still, it's shocking to see such a high frequency of life bearing worlds, especially in a place that is treacherous to travel as this one. Any species arising out here incapable of light speed travel would be completely alone, 100's of ly's to the nearest neighboring system.

Keep coming across pristine ring systems out here, maybe the large mining corporations will eventually find their way out here, on top of that they could make great places for asteroid installations.

   Well there's still alot of systems in this area to pop into, better catch up on some rest. Flying around aimlessly for 2 days can destroy anyone's brain.

Wanda N. Fersegi " Wettoast" out.
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