Logbook entry

Log # 16 : Chasing the record update 1

Near Sagittarius A*

I've decided that I would dedicate the next few weeks and months of my time to exploration, human space affairs are  grinding down on every fiber of my being into a paste. But there's something I have to do, or at least attempt to do. Recently a cmdr Persera made it 11.7 lightyears into the void between galaxies, from the system  Oevasy SG-Y d0, that cmdr becoming the furthest human from humanity on record. I want to break that record.

  I was a few systems away when the fuel rats rescued them, the rescuers traveling 2 days by supercruise into the void on a risky mission to the middle of absolute nothingness. The cmdr had a fuel tank of 64 tonnes of fuel, or at least from what I've heard, I'm assuming that they powered off all non essential systems to have even a chance of making it that far. You can take as massive a fuel tank as you want but it's also part of the problem.... Large fuel capacities will cut down on jump range like no one's business, the time it will take to get back to the far edge of the galaxy will shoot up by alot, and the number of synthesized jumps will increase once in the sparse regions of the arm.

But first, I need to stop by Colonia to refit a larger fuel tank and make as much of  a weight reduction as possible to internals besides the fuel tank.
  Colonia Dream : Ratraii

I'll be out of here faster than expected, shipyard  had just notified me that my requested fitting was complete, a 32 ton tank increased to 80 tons of fuel while still maintaining a 52 light year jump range. At the lowest consumption of 1.21 tons an hour, I'll have 66 hours of cruise until empty. All I'll have to do is turn around and jump with a few hours left and I will still have the record..... I hope... The record was set with a vessel with 64 tons of fuel, If I'm careful I can beat the record with fuel to spare on 80 tons. Well, had better make damn sure I'm careful, I don't think the fuel rats would be willing to risk their skins for my sake after rescuing someone 2 days out.

 No, no questions just floor it ! Okay and maybe stop along the way, can't resist dropping into a neutron nebula.

On board time 11:30pm

Starting to become jaded again, the distance is starting to dawn on me again. All I got was one slow silly banter conversation with Capricos over comms and that was it. I'll give radio sidewinder, hutton orbital radio a go, before my brain starts hurting too much... Jeez, have to get there first, and then 3 days of supercruise on top of that !

On board time 12:07 am

Another earthlike scan to add to the collection... Orbiting rather close to a M class red dwarf and an L class brown dwarf. Comms channel with cmdr Capricos has died down alot, starting to get quiet in here.

On board time 1:15 am

Just arrived at one of my own waypoints, Hypiae briae neutron nebula.Getting close to being completeley run down. Wish I had some onionhead with me but I'm not much of a druggie anymore, more of an alcoholic I guess...

On board time 2:12 am

Setting down for a breather, marathon jumping is not for the easily bored so bring reading material or something .... Maybe I'll try turning on radio sidewinder, hutton orbital radio now.

Ok, in short, the rest of the trip to the Oevasy sector was quite dull. Scoop, jump, repeat, occasional scan, occasional stop to detailed scan, plot next strecth, repeat.

Iorasp sector : on board time 11:29 am

Now the great synthesis hunt begins, or jumponium as the exploration community calls it? I have been here in the Iorasp sector before but had never thought about hunting around for materials.  This could take even longer than the time it took to cross... With data collected from other commanders there is a database of "green" systems around here, systems with all required materials to synthesize all manner of frame shift boosts, especially the much needed top grade boost that will take me into Oevasy SG-Y d0 .

 Even though these systems are listed as "green" doesn't necessarily mean that the element needed is in abundance. I could drive around for hours and for all I know, what I want could be at the landing site, sitting there telling you to f*** right off. Updates on progress are probably going to be slow, considering Ill have to collect enough materials to synthesize boosts both in and out of extremely sparse areas. I'll update again once in Oevasy SG-Y d0, as material collection could drag on for quite a while.

  For all I know I could be brave about this until the fuel gauge starts getting really low, then I might chicken out and jump back to the system star.

Time to go mess around with the stupid rocks...  

Wanda N. Fersegi, out.
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