Logbook entry

Log # 17 : Chasing the record update 2 : The attempt

IORASP sector

All materials are collected, means of safe entry and safe exit from Oevasy SG-Y d0 or Ishum's reach or Salome's reach, Semotus Beacon  or whatever it's called now, are now at the ready. By the lowest fuel consumption my vessel is capable of, I should be able to surpass the record and safely jump out of the system. There is a route that brings the longest jump towards the system down to 82 light years from 99 light years, a route scouted by an expedition named SHEPARD in the year 3302. Now. The only thing left to it, is to do it.

Oevasy SG-Y d0

There it is. The intergalactic void. Beyond the bodies of this system there is nothing. Gives me hard shivers really, knowing that even if one were to travel the void for trillions of years, they may not run into anything at all.

 Pulling around the main star, shutting down all non essentials for now while the fuel scoop completes. The fuel gauge is going to have my complete undivided attention once it is close to 50% capacity, there will be no mistakes.

Aligning the rear of the ship with Sol, straight line forward and don't stop until past 11.7 light years. What I can expect is 2 and a half days in supercruise, 12 lightyears out. I've decided I will abandon the effort if fuel levels approach critical before 12 light years .

Final checks completed, all non essential modules are shut down. The fuel scoop will be powered down once out of the gravity well of the system star. Everything has gone according to plan so far, hopefully nothing changes. The fuel scoop is powered down, now at consumption of 1.21. The ship's fuel tank of 80 tons should allow for enough breathing room once past the record point .

Throttle up, here goes nothing ....

Wanda N. Fersegi, out.
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