Log #19 : Chasing the record update 4: Record broken (edit: held for a few hours)
07 Jan 2018(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi
Oevasy SG-Y d0 11.9 ly into intergalactic voidAfter close to 50 hours in supercruise, I've finally surpassed the previous record of 11.7 lightyears and traveled out into the void 0.2 lightyears further for a record of 11.9 light years . So that means while writing this, I am the furthest from civilization anyone has ever gone ..... I..That's incredibly hard to believe... The fuel rats undertook their most daring rescue 0.2 lightyears behind me ! This isn't much further than the previous one, but at least for a short period of time I can have the title " Furthest human from civilization".
Thanks to the addition of the extra 16 ton fuel tank over the 64 tons of the previous record, I was close to reaching 12 lightyears out and still having enough fuel for a return jump and possibly one more lightyear in supercruise. Thank goodness the reserves held out, I can't imagine being frozen solid in a pod while on board a derelict ship that drifts into the infinite darkness.
There are a few systems I would like to drop into out here before heading back into the more dense galactic arms, my supply of synthesis materials should hold out as long as I don't do anything stupid. Oevasy SG-Y d0 had a water world in system, so while completely spread out and sparse, there are interesting things to find out here.
Wanda N. Fersegi, "Wettoast", out.
EDIT : held the record for a span of around 1 day, I learned after speaking to persera that there is someone already past both records . yay.... Worth a try anyway