Logbook entry

Log # 27 : Zorgon's flying pilot cooker, and strange space life

Flying the Mamba, Zorgon's pilot cooker

Ok, where do I start .... I'm not one to be too snobby about my ship purchases but I think I need to go on a little rant here .  Zorgon is a wealthy company , why the sam sh** didn't they test fly this thing before putting it to market ? It boils when taking off, it boils when pitching, it boils when boosting , and it boils when firing any weapon for more than a second . I want to like this ship but this heat problem is unbelieveably bad .  I'm pretty sure my complaints are just going to get added to the pile of complaints at the Zorgon HQ inbox but, if they catch enough sh** maybe they'll do a recall.   I should probably land this thing before the dashboard catches fire again ......

Strange space life  

About a week ago I set out to the "temple" sector of the galaxy map to find what was reported as " space squids" , "space turds ", and "urchins ".  According to those reporting the odd life forms, they could be found in nebula, and also at lagrange points of orbits of planets inside a cloud which seems to be some sort of sustinence.

What I managed to record on the ship's camera was some of the strangest things if seen in my years as a pilot . Some of these things absolutely encompass the word " alien" . I've seen thargoids up close and these things still freak me way out !  Floating aimlessly and seeming to react to light by fleeing, they're rather large as well , making a diamondback explorer look small in comparison.  The " urchins " look to be 100 meters across or something , and completely black apart from some purple colored features .

I also flew into a lagrange cloud more yellowish in color and having what I and another pilot I know have dubbed, "space turds " or " bathturds" , letting off some sort of black spores while looking like a hospital waiting room toy gone horribly wrong .  Had a few laughs over gag reflexes being triggered when I sent the original recordings and photographs back home, they start to get under your skin when you look at these things for too long. A lot of them were hiding in the darker part of the clouds seemingly trying to hide from something.

Other than getting acquainted with Zorgon's mamba, Delacy's newer version of the krait  , and gearing up for the second distant worlds trip not much has been happening. Swore off the federal navy in favor of starting my new little exploration venture and visited the sol system to see my grandfather.

Wanda N. Fersegi , out.
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