Logbook entry

Log # 31 : Distant worlds 2, week 2 : Skipping ahead

Omega mining operation

  Seems that many fellow pilots decided to hang back and assist with the mining goal for the future construction of a starport in the center of our galaxy, one a bit too close to Sagittarius A probably .... I would be more than happy to help, but selling my soul to  Selene Jean through mining had already turned me off to the idea. Sure the void opal rush made me think twice for a while, but the miners life just doesn't appeal to me in anyway at all. I came along to get lost in the cosmos and see weird alien freaks damnit ! Call it selfishness but I can't really for the love of any god, person, fictional hero, or mind melting eldritch monstrosity , bring myself to go rock bothering again. Ill just grab one more meal at whatever food court or whatever serves food here and jet in the direction of the galactic core .

  I decided to take one more visit to a cloud that another pilot had pointed out to me a few days prior, as the deep blue colors hiding little squid freaks made for an atmosphere I strangely found enjoyable. Strangely similar to the mollusk looking creatures found near the human bubble, they also seemed just as curious,  following the ship as I moved around them. Thankfully, it wasn't one of those variants that would make like an electric eel and shock your shields, draining them in the process. Something way, WAY too similar to the thargoid lighting attack, something I made the mistake of remembering when I was trying to forget about them.  

Time to get out of here, Ill set course for the general vicinity of the galactic core and see what I can find there .

Sticking to the Colonia highway

  I understand patience is a virtue, but sometimes having too much can cause you to forget how much time is passing. I think I wasted close to 12 hours in the cockpit, eyes beginning to go red staring at the fill spectrum scanner looking for space borne life while also probing planetary surfaces in search of new ground based life forms to document. Did manage to come across a proto lagrange cloud, filled with those prickly crystal formations, but no life to speak of. I think Ill be taking a break in a bit, eyes began playing tricks on me again in the form of seeing red lines in the blackness of space that weren't actually there.

 My search finally gave me something to marvel at, as I had found me a reported variant of anemones that was was just as durable to extreme pressure and heat as the rest of them, the find being even better as it was a huge field of the bio luminescent type ones. Since they were near the Skaudai nebula guardian ruin, I decided to scoop up a relic from one of the sites and throw them at the anemones hoping for some sort of reaction from either the relic or the pumpkin. Nothing .... Well, so much for one of my first attempts at actual science I guess.

 Distant worlds 2 has proved spectacular for me so far. Not only getting aid from other explorers in finding new cosmological wonders, but also this being the first time I have explored alongside other pilots ever. Even after 3 years as mostly an amateur with not that many notable discoveries to my name, this expedition so far has encouraged me to keep on pushing . We're only a week in and I have already seen more than I would have seen if this were just another solo trip into the galaxy, best part being I have no desire at all to go home yet. Maybe everyone will start to get homesick around the middle of the trip, however that's still a while off so we will see.

Brain is starting to ache again, need some sleep . Wanda N. Fersegi  "Wettoast", out.
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