Logbook entry

God Damn Non-Radiating Black Bodies

12 Aug 2015Hyakugei
Sometimes I just have to remind myself that i'm not actually that smart.

Flew out to the Castellan Belt Clusters round Lave, looking for some pirates to make quick work of. Followed a couple of targets, getting some warrant scans on them, when, due to my incredible lack of intelligence, I ran into an asteroid. Yep. Didn't even notice it.

Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

It was dumb luck that my canopy held together. Tucking my tail firmly between my legs, I ran for Castellan Station. Of course this would be the moment for some vacuum sucking pirate scum to interdict me. Again, by the luck of the gods, I was able to boost away and make it to the station.

At least I didn't have to pay off my insurance premium! The repairs were, relatively, minor, and I find myself once again sitting at the docks, not quite sure where to go, or what to do. CMDR Nerfgun, my old time buddy is still nowhere to be found, and no further rumours of his whereabouts have reached me.

Somewhat surprisingly, I did find a message for me from a group interested in working together. Not sure where they are located out of, or who they are. Not even sure if I want to reply to them, I've been working solo for a while now, could I even work with others? Wasn't the whole idea of getting my pilot licence was so I could go where I wanted and not have a boss, or anyone, to answer too?

Maybe it is time to rethink my plans...
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