Logbook entry


03 May 2016Veldrin Hedgehog
“So, what do you know about the East India Company?”
The two men were waiting in the shade of an Imperial Clipper, the bulk of which provided some small respite from the sweltering heat. The speaker stood tall, dressed in what looked a gleaming new flight suit, hands clasped behind his back as he watched the construction work on the extensive new spaceport and headquarters continue. Despite his clean cut, confident posture there was an air of anxiety about him, like he was waiting for something. The other wore a dark cloak made out of some lightweight cloth, the kind favoured by the local farmers to stay dry in the tropical rainstorms that frequented much of the planet. He was leaning against one of the Clipper's bulky landing struts, preoccupied with the small personal device in his hands. He took his time before answering.
“The EIC? I know enough. Their presence was very welcome back home.”
The other man turned his head around at this, trying to get a look at his companion - however his features were lost in the shadow of the oversized hood that was part of the cloak.
“Your accent – is it Imperial? It is, isn't it? Although it sounds a little different from the other Imperials I have met. I'm from Autanhetsi, myself.”
“Yes, Imperial.” The cloaked figure replied with an impatient sigh. “I was born in Liaedin.”
“Oh. I assumed at first from your dress you were a local. I see them wearing that same coat everywhere here.”
“It's not a completely incorrect assumption. I have lived here for most of my life, after all”
“Well, it must be nice for you, to have so many of your own people here now as well. My name is Galvin, by the way. Commander Galvin de Heurtes, at your service”
There was an expectant pause, which the cloaked figure filled by tapping away at his device. After a while, Galvin spoke again. “And you are..?”
“You can call me Hedgehog.”
“Is that, like, a commander nickname?”
“Something like that.”

Silence fell again, apart from the usual din of the spaceport and construction work. Galvin began to pace restlessly, before the quietness got to him.
“Liaedin, huh? Lots of problems there, in the past.”
“Did you see any fighting?”
Hedgehog gave a quick glance up. “Not then, no. My family had left for Panem long before the most recent violence, if that is what you refer to.”
“Not then...?”
“There are other fights, of course. Every Liaedini child is trained in the way of the sword, our star is surrounded by a pack of baying wolves, ready to devour us if we let our guard down for a single moment – or so the bedtime stories go.”
Galvin looked a little shocked. Swords? Is he taking me for a ride?
“Children train with swords in Liaedin? Like, actual swords?”
Veldrin smirked. “It's more of a metaphor, although yes, since you asked: I was trained in fencing until I turned 14. I prefer to shoot my enemies, however. Much quicker and easier. In the back of the head, preferably.”

OK, now he's certainly taking me for a ride.

“And...what about here? The bombardment?”
This time Hedgehog fixed Galvin with a long, hard stare before answering. “I missed that one too.”
The look made Galvin uncomfortable. Time to change topics.
“Well, an Imperial citizen applying for a position at an Imperial company. I'm sure you'll get the job.”
“You are trying to be polite, but you are correct - although not in the way you think. Yes, I will be working for the East India Company. If not today, willingly, then tomorrow – one way or another.”
“I don't understand.”
“I have debts, Galvin.” Hedgehog said with an exasperated sigh, storing his device somewhere in the darkness of the cloak. “Do you know what that means for an Imperial citizen?”
Galvin glanced back at the construction site, a flicker of realisation crossing his face as he saw the army of workers scrambling up and down the scaffolding like ants.

Of course, there's that aspect of Imperial society. Slavery.

A new voice spoke up, loud above the starport noise and no-nonsense. Galvin jumped to attention. Hedgehog looked around at the newcomer, lowering his hood. The face of a young man was revealed, topped by blue spiky hair.
“Gentlemen. I am First Officer Sataris. I'll be evaluating you both today.”
He was dressed in a worn but well maintained flight suit, wearing a simple cap. It was emblazoned with the circular crest of the EIC.
“The position is for freighter pilot, in particular, this freighter,” he said, gesturing towards the gleaming Imperial starship above them. “Do any of you have experience in the Clipper?”

Both shook their heads.

“Well, I'm not surprised” Sataris said with a smile. “Guatamaya doesn't just hand these out to anyone. You need to have connections. Gentlemen, the East India Company has the connections. We have credits. Work for us, and we'll share them with you. So, why should you work for us?”
Galvin spoke immediately, almost physically jumping at the chance.
“Galvin de Heurtes, sir, and thank you for taking the time to consider me for this opening in your esteemed organisation. I have been flying freighters for over a decade now, most recently a Python which is a similar weight class to the Clipper...”
“Mass isn't the only consideration flying one of these” Sataris said, cutting him off. “The Clipper dances like a ballerina, whereas a Python is more of a pig in mud.”
“Besides, the Clipper is fast.” Hedgehog said, joining the conversation.
“But, you also haven't experienced flying one” Galvin interjected.
“Not directly,” Hedgehog responded evenly. “But I've had to chase plenty of them down.”
Galvin snorted. “Sure. Chase them down with your sword? Like an ancient knight?”
“That would be stupid. I found railguns to be much more effective.”
Sataris looked down at a holofac sheet in his hand. “Veldrin Ericius, is that correct?”
“That's me. You can call me Hedgehog, if you like. Everyone does”
“Ericius...it sounds familiar...” Sataris began.
“It should,” Veldrin Hedgehog replied. “The EIC is the new owner of what is left of the family business.”
“Ericius Transports. Of course, that makes sense. A tragedy, truly.”
Veldrin nodded. “The Federation will pay.”

Galvin was beginning to look flustered at being left out. “I'm sorry? The Federation? Is this a part of the interview?”
“Call it background information.” Said Sataris, without looking at him, while giving Veldrin the faintest of smiles.
“Well,” began Galvin. “As to my qualifications and background, I've been flying between the local systems as an independent trader for the past 12 years. I have extensive experience with Lakon models Type 6 and the Asp, and have achieved the a Lakon Advanced Manoeuvring certification in 3299. Additionally, my current ship is a Python, a heavy trader vessel as I mentioned. I hold a HT class license with the Pilots Federation, and have received numerous commendations from various local parties and partners which I'm sure you'll find interesting.”
“Yes, I'm certain they're extremely interesting,” replied Sataris dryly. He looked towards Veldrin. “And yourself?”
Veldrin shrugged. “A Type 6, when I was younger. For the family business. I only got back in the seat about a year ago, mostly small vessels, fighters. Sidewinder, Eagle, Viper. That sort of class.”
“That's quite a gap. Why only a year ago?”
“I was in prison. The Federation isn't a fan of Onionhead, even small amounts for personal use.”
“I see,” Sataris replied, grinning. “None of that problem here, so long as you can do your work right. Well, two very intriguing candidates. You're not making the job easy for me...”

“With all due respect, sir, you've got to be joking.” Galvin burst out. He was certain that the job would be his, given his fellow candidate's record, and was frustrated at the comradely way Sataris was treating Veldrin with. “I'm much more qualified than this...Hedgehog here.”
“Are you?” replied Sataris.
“Of course! I've been flying non stop for the last dozen years. I am more qualified. I have the certifications. I fly the right kinds of ships, traders, not fighters. You’re looking for a trader, not a murderer! And, last but absolutely not least, I'm not a bloody felon and drug addic..!”

He was cut off by the crack of a gunshot.

Sataris winced, removed a lubricant stained rag from his back pocket and carefully wiped the blood from his face. “Interesting interview technique.”
“He said it himself. He was more qualified than me” said Veldrin Hedgehog, as he re-holstered the smoking weapon somewhere within the shadows of his cloak.
“I'm not so certain about that,” said Sataris with a grin. “In any case, it appears that the other candidate is no longer in contention, which leaves just you.”
“I did warn him I shoot people in the back of the head.”
“Duly noted. Well, you seem to possess the qualities that we are looking for. Follow your orders, don't fuck up, and we'll get along just fine. Veldrin Hedgehog Ericius, welcome to the East India Company.”
They both stood together, looking up at the white Imperial Clipper, gleaming in the tropical sunlight. “She's magnificent, don't you think?”
Veldrin shrugged.
“It would look better in blue.”
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︎2 Shiny!
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