Logbook entry

Up to speed - here we go again.....

10 Jul 2017Tk7725
I had dabbled in this Pilots Federation thing before. I started out working from another 'platform', even got as far as owning an Asp and made a decent amount of credits, but I found being a pilot and having a newborn to take care of meant my career as a pilot was going to have to wait.  Parked up my ships and took a year out.....
Fast forward to 27th June, 3303 and I decided it was time to head back out into space. My son is 2 and I decided that working a normal job at a starport wasn't for me, I wanted to earn real credits as a pilot again. I was browsing the GalNet used ships section and noticed that 'Play' station had a used Sidewinder in stock that I could get on loan. It had a loud Gold paint job but it would have to do. I arranged to have it shipped to Baker's Prospect where i was working and made my way to the hangar to give it a once over. Looks alright I guess, not sure about the paint, but lets do this.

Here we go again.....

- 27/06/3303 -
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︎7 Shiny!
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