Logbook entry

Billy Bob's second hand ship sales... and pie

13 Jul 2017Tk7725
So, after leeching off the security forces in my local RES, and scurrying away with my bounty vouchers, I stuck to my previously mentioned plan. After a few jumps, I arrived in Borr to visit Billy Bob's Second Hand Ship World to see if he still had the stock I'd seen from browsing Ship Trader on GalNet.
When I landed in Armstrong City, I left the hangar and the bemused looking dock handler who was admiring my Goldwinder, handed in my Bounty Vouchers and went to see the aforementioned Billy Bob. He wasn't quite the smooth character I'd seen on the advert, nor was his shipyard the reputable establishment it appeared to be online, but nevertheless, I had credits burning a hole in my pocket and a stupid idea on how to make money using an Adder. After some negotiating which bizarrely involved me handing over the pie I'd bought for lunch, I managed to buy a decent looking Adder with a 15% discount. He also tried to sell me a knackered old Gecko with no engines but I told him to take his pie and get lost.

Back to the hangar, tool kit out, time to make my Adder Badder......

- 27/06/3303 -
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