Logbook entry

Long Rider II ICC085 Log 001

07 Jul 2017StanSwitek85

I feel like I'm currently living through history - every day more and more we learn about those Thargoids. Now they've opened up a station close to where all the action is going on, Blackmount Orbital. I'm just an everyday blue collar trader, but this whole alien thing has piqued my interest from the start. I know Blackmount will be on the forefront of discovery out there in the Pleadies, and I just feel like I want to take a part in history, no matter what it is. In this case its shipping in various goods that they'll need out here. From Chirskokum, I set out from Baillaud City on the 456 LY journey - easily my farthest trip yet! I invested in a fuel scoop for my type-6 transporter, the Long Rider II (don't ask what happened to Long Rider I, its embarrassing). After the mechanics here finished fitting it to my ship, I indulged myself and took one last, low water pressure lukewarm shower in my cheap, leaking, cracked stucco lower level slum hotel room in Baillaud City, I packed a novel and a few of my favorite holo-vids and set out on the journey.

It became soon apparent that my investment in a fuel scoop was a wise one, and will ultimately save money, and also allow me to branch out into some exploration if the bug bites me. It did good work, however on one occasion during the voyage, I got a little too close to the sun and suffered some internal damage. My beam laser was partially damaged, and my automatic docking computer was rendered totally inoperable -

Finally arriving at Blackmount Orbital, I was taken aback by the sheer scale of engineering and manpower at work here. Built inside a massive asteroid (first asteroid base for me), bright yellow pylons shot out from every which way in latticework, lights and klaxons warned to be very cautious inside this busy, live construction zone. I was feeling a little rusty on docking, since I was spoiled by my docking computer. I made it through without accident. Once I landed, I knew I had to get a shot of this place -

Unfortunately I wished I paid closer attention to the news before I set out - it seems that there was a terrorist bombing at the station, and its currently as of this log, on lockdown. Market is closed, crew lounge, outfitting and livery is out as well. I can't suss out the purpose of this bombing, but I'll ask around the station, maybe someone's heard something. So, my participation in the construction efforts of Blackmount Orbital is put on hold, hopefully not for long. I might get bored and check out what kind of trade routes I can make some credits on out here.
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