Logbook entry


08 Jul 2017StanSwitek85

Its been a couple days - Blackmount Orbital remains on lockdown after the incident. I was graciously allowed to stay in one of the prefab temporary lodgings that had belonged to an unfortunate construction worker that was crushed to death by debris when the terrorists attacked. I've slept in coffin hotels plenty of times on some of the cityworlds, so the small size and uncomfortable surroundings weren't that big of a deal. I can adapt. Plus it had a shower. I decided to make my way back to the bubble. Blackmount Orbital was turning out to be a lost cause, at least for the moment. Remembering that I had a 4 million credit payday waiting back at Stone Enterprise in Rakapila, I punched in the coordinates, set course and burned rubber that way to collect.

On the way back I did stop off at one of the few outposts in the area to fit my ship with an ADS- I've decided to branch out a bit and do some exploring. On the long trip back to civilization, I pulled over and scanned a few unknown systems, nothing special or ordinary. Sometimes only a system full of asteroid belts, but it was good to get the practice operating the scanner. Also along the way I made a pit stop at Tull Bastion, on the surface of the planet BZ Ceti 1 c. Its your classic, standard rocky world, but I wasn't there for the scenery (although the facilities were very clean and well-maintained). I was there because the buzz on the GalNet is that the Antares Tavern on level 45 of the tower at Tull Bastion made the best Achenar Blue in a 1000 LY radius, and they didn't disappoint. My legs felt like silly putty hours later as I stumbled up the boarding ramp of the Long Rider II to take off. Powerful stuff, that Achenar Blue.

Finally the trip was at its end - I throttled down and took my ship in to Stone Enterprise, it felt damn good to step onto that shiny, metallic landing pad and stretch my legs.  I collected my credits and turned in my cartographic data which yielded a sum that was not world-shattering, but decent.

Note to self - the stuffy, rude representative from Universal Cartographics that I dealt with was beyond unprofessional. Zero concept of customer service - register a complaint when I get the time. Sneered at me like I was gutter trash as he haughtily dropped the credits into my hand.

Once I can get my hands on a decent planetary scanner I'll be able to maximize my profits when I go out into the unknown space next.
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︎1 Shiny!
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